Giveaway / No Mo Fomo
A story about tw o big mistakes and how I'm attempting to fix them.
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Web 2.0 <=> web3
How can we create stronger communities for NFT projects by using tools from the Web 2.0 era? With communities being built on Discord, web3 combined with OAuth allows us to build community while still respecting the privacy ethos of the decentralized web.
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CryptOrchids Using Chainlink VRF to Launch Rare, Digitally Alive NFT Flowers
Announcing our partnership with Chainlink
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Launch Day
When I deployed the CryptOrchids contract yesterday I had 2 goals - first, to get at least a handful of folks who found the concept fun or interesting to start building a little community around the game. And second to hopefully sell enough seeds to cover the deployment costs and break even. I’m so happy to say that I think we’ve achieved both of those goals! 32 different owners bought 193 seeds, bringing in 7.58 eth. I’m blown away!
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If you're only interested in NFTs from a speculative standpoint this won't be interesting to you. I just want to get some thoughts and ideas out there that I played with in this experiment and hope to continue exploring.